Monday, April 27, 2009

Shadows as Repetition

Lecture 7- The Black Box- Chapter 5, Shadows as Repetition

Repetition in design poses a strong element of expression. The idea that the architect or designer is trying to impose is multiplied; just as the word itself may sound, deepened and understood as a stronger message delivered. In my design, areas of shadow vs. solid architecture are equally as significant for the idea of the five themes uniting peacefully (response to Alfred Nobel). Where shadows communicate repetitive columnisation as reflections of the architecture, gives it detail and character. It investigates the gradual approaching of a place however not necessarily the most eye catching element of a design. An interesting hint I interpreted from the Lecture and within my own design is that repetition in shadows are giving life to the piece of architecture, making it almost tangible. Without repetition of form there can hardly be repetition of shadows, in slide 74, the abstracted relief play an inevitable role in the environment the designer was trying to create however without the level of shadowing casted upon each repetitious element, the design itself is not complete. Repetition of shadows as is its opposite (the light spaces) are able to highlight significant spaces however it is just that much stronger, when a darker space is casted and repeated.

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